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September Reflection 

No one wants to live or be around a clingy person.  A person who does not know what he or she wants, what goal to reach, what to do, and so on.  As much as possible, we would like to distance ourselves away from such a person because, like a leech, he or she siphons off and drains us of our remaining energy and emotional resources.


"Let your 'Yes' mean 'Yes,' and your 'No' mean 'No.'  Anything more is from the evil one" (Mt. 5:37).   We make our own reality.  In life, we have to be very creative.  We have to learn how to live with ourselves and, later on, with others.  We cannot forever be dependent children holding onto the pants of our fathers or the skirts of our mothers and caregivers.  At some point, we have to learn how to let go and face life squarely in the face by taking full responsibility for our ourselves and for the consequences of our actions.


Each day is unique and has equally unique lessons to offer.  Face them bravely and do not run away from the problems of the day.  You cannot hide from them.  Everyday offers new challenges which will continually and repeatedly approach us until we learn how to choose rightly and correctly.  Even then, another one is coming by in a very short while to test and help us learn our lessons well. 

Reflection About Our Lady

It is evident that one cannot love a person whom one is offending.  To her devoted children Our Lady can address these same words of Jesus: "Abide in my love... You are my friends, if you do the things that I command you" (Jn. 15: 9, 14).  


What does Our Lady command of us to do?  At the marriage feast of Cana she said to the waiters, "Whatever He shall say to you, do ye" (Jn. 2:5).  Be faithful to Jesus and carry out His will in everything. This is what Mary asks.  Sin is exactly the contrary because it is always rebellious and is nourished by selfishness and pride.  Now Jesus has said, "He that is not with Me is against Me" (Mt 12:30).  By sin we become Jesus' enemies.  How, then, would it be possible to love Our Lady if one is Jesus' enemy?  


Pope St. Pius X advises us, "Everyone ought to be persuaded that if the devotion which we claim to have for the Blessed Virgin does not restrain us from sin or inspire in us a determination to live a better life, it is an artificial, false devotion, as it lacks its natural fruit."


"Who has true devotion to Mary?"  asked St. Leonard of Port Maurice.  He answered, " He who is an enemy of sin."

   Reflection by Padre Pio

 Pray, hope, and don't worry. Worry is useless.

God is merciful and will hear your prayer.

Prayer is the best weapon we have;

it is the key to God's heart.

You must speak to Jesus with not only your lips

but with your heart.

In fact on certain occasions 

                 you should speak to Him only with your heart.                                   

© Copyright 2011 Pamphlets To Inspire. Org. (Non-Profit)  Updated for list of saints in Ordinary time through January 1, 2020.  

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