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Coat of Arms of St. Pope Pius X



   Катехизис представляет собой краткое изложение или изложение учения Нового Завета, традиционно используемое в христианской религии.   Катехизисы представляют собой доктринальные руководства, часто в форме вопросов, за которыми следуют ответы, которые необходимо запомнить.

   Катехизис католической церкви — это катехизис, наиболее широко используемый католиками сегодня. 

Это официальный Катехизис Церкви .

   Для католиков все канонические книги Библии (включая второканонические книги), предание Церкви и их толкование Магистериумом составляют полную и лучший ресурс для полного достижения Божьего откровения человечеству.  Католики верят, что Священное Писание и Священное Предание, сохраненные и истолкованные Магистериумом, необходимы для достижения самого полного понимания всего Божьего откровения.

   Термин катехизатор чаще всего используется в католицизме, часто для описания мирянина-катехизатора или мирянина с катехизической подготовкой, который занимается таким обучением и евангелизацией._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Это может быть как в приходской церкви, так и в контексте миссии.

   Катехизис святого Пия X представляет собой краткий катехизис с вопросами и ответами, касающимися основ католической веры и доктрины.  It был издан Папой Пием X в начале двадцатого века на итальянском языке.  Это намерение Папы состоит в том, чтобы все верующие католики могли легко понять свою веру.


Teachings of the Catholic Church should begin with young children.


​Preliminary  Lesson

1.   Q.  Are you a Christian?

      A.  Yes, I am a Christian, by the grace of God.

2.   Q.  Why do you say:  By the grace of God?

      A.  I say: By the grace of God, because to be a

           Christian is a perfectly  gratuitous gift of

           God, which we  ourselves could not have merited.

3.  Q.  Who is a true Christian?

     A.   A true Christian is he who is baptized, who

            believes and professes the Christian Doctrine,

            and   obeys the lawful pastors of the Church.

4.  Q.  What is Christine Doctrine?

     A.   Christian doctrine is the doctrine which Jesus

           Christ  our Lord taught us to show us the way of


5.  Q.  Is it necessary to learn the doctrine taught by

           Jesus Christ?

     A.  It certainly is necessary to learn the doctrine

          taught by Jesus Christ, and those who fail to do so

          are guilty of a grave breach of duty

6. Q.  Are parents and guardians bound to send their

         children and those dependent on them to


    A.  Parents and guardians are bound to see that their

         children and dependents learn Christian Doctrine,

         and they are guilty before God if they neglect this


7. Q.  From whom ae we to receive and learn Christian


    A.  We are to receive and learn Christian Doctrine from

         the Holy Catholic Church.

8. Q.  How are we certain that the Christian Doctrine

          which we receive from the Holy Catholic Church

          is really true?  

    A.  We are certain that the doctrine which we receive

         from the Holy catholic Church is true, because Jesus

         Christ, the divine Author of this doctrine, committed

         it through His apostles to the Church, which He

         founded and made the  infallible teacher of all

         men, promising her His divine assistance until the 

         end of time.


    9.  Q.  Are there other proofs of the truth of 

             Christian Doctrine?

        A.  The truth of Christian doctrine is also

              shown by the eminent sanctity of numbers

              who have professed it and who still profess 

              it, by the heroic fortitude of the martyrs,

              by its marvelous and rapid propagation in

              the world, and by its perfect preservation

              throughout so many centuries of

              ceaseless and varied struggles.

10.  Q.  What and how many are the principal and

             most necessary parts of Christine Doctrine?

        A.  The principal and most necessary parts of

             Christian Doctrine are four:  The Creed,

             the Our Father, The Ten Commandments,

             and The Sacraments.

11.  Q.  What does the Creed teach?

        A.  The Creed teaches us the principal articles

              of our holy faith.

12.  Q.  What does the Our Father teach us?

        A.  The Our Father teaches us all that we are                  to hope from God, and all we are to ask of


13.   Q.  What do the Commandments teach us?

         A.  The Commandments teach us all that we 

               are to do to please God  -  all of which is

               summed up in loving God above all things

               and our neighbor as ourselves for the

               love of God.

14.  Q.  What does the doctrine of the Sacraments

             teach us?

        A.  The doctrine of the Sacraments sows us the

              nature and right use of those means which

              Jesus Christ has instituted to remit our sins

              give us His grace, infuse into and increase in

              us the virtues of faith, hope, and charity.





1.   Q.   What is the first part of Christian Doctrine?

       A.   The first part of Christian Doctrine is the Symbol

              of the Apostles, commonly called the Creed.

2.   Q.   Why do you call the Creed the Symbol of the


      A.   The Creed is called the Symbol of the Apostles

             because it is a summary of the truths of faith taught

             by the Apostles.

3.   Q.   How many articles are there in the Creed?

       A.  There are twelve articles in the Creed.



1.   Q.   Which is the most excellent of all vocal prayers?

       A.   The most excellent of all vocal prayers is that which

              Jesus Christ taught us, that is to say, the Our Father.

​2.   Q.   Why is the Our Father the most excellent of all prayers?

      A.   The Our Father is the most excellent of all prayers

            because Jesus Christ Himself composed it and taught it to

            us; because it contains clearly and in a few words all we

           can hope for from God; and because it is the standard

           and model of all other prayers.

3.   Q.  Is the Our Father also the most efficacious of prayers?

      A.   Yes, it is also the most efficacious of prayers, because

             it is the most acceptable to God, since in it we pray in

             the very words His Divine Son taught us.

4.   Q.   Why is the Our Father called the Lord's Prayer?

             The Our Father is called the Lord's Prayer, precisely

             because Jesus Christ our Lord has taught it to us with

             His own lips. 

5.   Q.   How many petitions are there in the Our Father?

       A.  In the Our Father there are seven petitions proceeded by

            an introduction.



1.   Q.   What prayer do we usually say after the Our Father

       A.   After the Our Father we say the Angelic Salutation,

             that is, the Hail Mary, through which we have

             recourse to the Blessed Virgin.

​2.   Q.   Why is the Hail Mary called the Angelic Salutation

       A.   The Hail Mary is called the Angelic Salutation,

              because it begins with the salutation addressed

              by the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary.

​3.   Q.   Whose are the words of the Hail Mary?

       A.   The words of the Hail Mary are partly the Archangel

              Gabriel's, partly Saint Elizabeth's, and partly the


4.   Q.   Which are the words of the Archangel Gabriel?

      A.   The words of the Archangel Gabriel are these: Hail,

             full of grace.  The Lord is with thee; blessed art thou

             among women.

5.   Q.   Which are the words of Saint Elizabeth?

      A.    The words of Saint Elizabeth are these:  Blessed art

              thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy


6.   Q.   What form of devotion to Mary does the Church

             recommend in a very special manner?

      A.   The devotion to the Blessed Virgin which the Church

             specially recommends is the Holy Rosary.



1.   Q.   What is meant by the word sacrament?

       A.   By the word sacrament is meant a sensible and efficacious

             sign of grace, instituted by Christ to sanctify our souls.

2.   Q.   How many sacraments are there, and what are they called?

      A.   There are seven sacraments:  Baptism, Penance, Eucharist,

             Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders and Extreme Unction.

3.   Q.   What is necessary to constitute a sacrament?

       A.   To constitute a sacrament it is necessary to have the matter, the form,

              and the minister, who must have the intention to do what the Church does.

4.   Q.   What is the matter of the sacraments?

       A.   The matter of the sacraments is the sensible thing made use of in effecting the

              sacrament; such as, for example, natural water in Baptism, oil and balsam in


5.   Q.   What is the form of the sacraments?

      A.    The form of the sacraments is the words which are pronounced in order to effect

             the sacrament.

6.   Q.   Who is the minister of the sacraments?

      A.   The minister of the sacraments is the person who administers or confers the




1.   Q.   How many Commandments of God's Law are there?

      A.   There are Ten Commandments of God's Law.

2.   Q.   Why are the Commandments of God so named?

      A.   The Commandments of God are so named because God Himself has stamped them

             on the soul of every man; promulgated them, engraved on two tables of stone, on

             Mount Sinai, in the Old Law; and Jesus Christ has confirmed them in the New Law.

​​3.   Q.   Are we bound to observe the Commandments?

       A.   Yes, we are bound to observe the Commandments, because we are all bound to live

              according to the will of God who created us, and because a serious transgression

              against even one of them is enough to merit hell.

4.   Q.   Are we able to observe the Commandments?

       A.  Yes, without doubt we are able to observe God's Commandments, because God never

             commands anything that is impossible, and because He gives grace to observe them

             to those who ask it as they should.

5.   Q.   What, in a general way, should we consider in each of the Commandments?

       A.   In each of the Commandments we should consider its positive part and its negative

             part, that is, what it commands and what it forbids.

   The above is a small sample of the Catechism of Saint Pope Pius X, and is only meant as an

introductory primer for the more extensive study of the Catechism as a means of acquainting oneself with all that is taught by the Roman Catholic Church.

   Our goal is to initiate or renew one's interest of the doctrinal truths of the Church and not to outline in detail every point that constitutes the teachings of the Church.

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