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July Prayers

    Our Lady of Mount Carmel

O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel,

fruitful vine, 

splendor of heaven,

Blessed Mother of the Son of God,

Immaculate Virgin,

assist me in this my necessity...


(state request(s) here)


O Star of the Sea,

help me and show me herein,

that you are my Mother.


O holy Mary, Mother of God,

Queen of heaven and earth,

I humbly beseech you 

from the bottom of my heart,

to aid me in my need;

there are none that can withstand your power.


O show me herein that you are my Mother.

O Mary, conceived without sin,

pray for us who have recourse to thee.

(Three times).


Sweet Mother, I place this cause in your hands.

(Three times).

Prayers Below to Saint Anne

Mother of the Blesed Virgin Mary


Grandmother of Jesus 

Prayer to Saint Anne for Special Needs

We thank you, dear Saint Anne, for the favors,

known and unknown, you have obtained for us.

Assured of your constant love,

we bring our special needs to you.

(mention them here)

Mother of the Mother of the Eternal Word made flesh, kindly recommend to your Grandson, Jesus,

these intentions we lift to you in confident prayer.




Children's Prayer to Saint Anne

Good Saint Anne, you must have loved your parents

just like we love Mom and Dad.

They love us so much and take care of all our needs. Help us to make them happy every day.

Thank you, dear Grandmother of Jesus,

for listening to our prayer.


© Copyright 2011 Pamphlets To Inspire. Org. (Non-Profit)  Updated for list of saints in Ordinary time through January 1, 2020.  

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