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Grudzień jest poświęcony Niepokalanemu Poczęciu - Cnota - Zjednoczenie (1 Jana 4:16) -_cc781905-5c -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Ojcze, przygotowałeś Dziewicę Maryję, aby była godną matką twojego syna. Pozwoliłeś jej wcześniej uczestniczyć w zbawieniu, które Chrystus przyniesie przez swoją śmierć i zachowałeś ją bez grzechu od pierwszej chwili poczęcia. Pomóż nam przez Jej modlitwy żyć w Twojej obecności bez grzechu. Prosimy o to przez naszego Pana Jezusa Chrystusa, Twojego Syna, który żyje i króluje z Tobą i Duchem Świętym, jednym Bogiem na wieki wieków. Amen.
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The Te Deum
We praise You, O God; we acclaim You Lord and Master.
Everlasting Father, all the world bows down before You.
All the Angels sing Your praise,
the hosts of heaven and all the angelic Powers:
All the cherubim and Seraphim call out to You in-unending chorus:
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Angel hosts!
The heavens and the earth are filled, Lord, with Your majesty and glory.
Your praises are sung by the renowned Apostles;
By all the prophets, who themselves deserve our praise;
By that mighty white-robed army who shed their blood for Christ.
And to the ends of the earth the holy Church
proclaims her faith in You:
Father, whose majesty is boundless;
Your only Son, who is true God, and who is to be adored;
The Holy Ghost, sent to be our Advocate.
O Christ, the King of glory!
You alone are the Father's eternal Son.
When You were to become man so as to save mankind,
You did not shrink back from the chaste Virgin's womb.
When You triumphantly destroyed death's sting,
You opened up to believers the kingdom of heaven.
You are now enthroned at God's right hand,
in the Father's glory.
We believe that You will come for judgment
We therefore implore You to grant Your servants grace and aid,
for You shed Your precious blood for their redemption.
Admit them all to the ranks of Your Saints in everlasting glory.
Be the Savior of Your faithful people, Lord;
grant them Your blessing, for they belong to You.
Be their Shepherd, Lord,
uphold and exalt them forever and ever.
Day by day we praise You, daily we acclaim You.
We will confess and glorify Your holy Name,
now and for all eternity.
In Your great mercy, Lord,
throughout this day keep us free from sin by Your protection.
Have mercy on us, we humbly pray;
Lord have mercy on us.
May Your mercy, Lord, Your loving kindness,
always remain with us; for we have placed our confidence in You.
In You alone, Lord, I have hoped;
may I not be disappointed.
For other Novenas please refer to Novena Section
Novena to the Holy Innocents
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