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        Video Meditation on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass


View the video which explains the symbolism of  the

Traditional Latin Mass and how it follows the

Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ

and other elements of His earthly life.

Want to know what the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) really is?   Want to know how it is so significantly, theologically different from the new Mass, the “Novus Ordo,” be it in English or Latin?  


See this brilliant video above, which explains the symbolism of the Traditional Mass, especially all the many small prayers, movements, and gestures that were suppressed in the switch from the TLM to the Novus Ordo.  I have had several commenters of late ask just what is the difference between the TLM and the Novus Ordo Latin, and I think this video goes far to explaining, not in a detailed, verbal way, but in a symbolic, visual way, what those differences are.  I should clarify, that there are certainly elements of what is described below in the Novus Ordo, but many have been lost.


I pray you find this as edifying, and as moving, as I did.  Really, try to chill out, maybe darken the lights, and really focus on this video.  Truly, it is a meditation.  The video shows clearly how the Traditional Mass follows the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and other elements of His earthly life.

It was truly brilliant to interpose scenes from The Passion of the Christ with the TLM:


A description of the symbolism, from the video’s creator.  I should add that these descriptions of the symbolism are just ONE of the many layers of symbolism that exist in the various actions and prayers of the Mass.  The Mass is such a theological feast the people can, and do, spend literally entire books describing it and still never “explain” it all.  That richness stems from the fact that the Traditional Mass is not the work of human hands, but is a divine gift with many key parts, it is believed, coming straight from the Apostles down to us.


After previewing the movie for my family, they expressed concern about some of the symbolism, particularly the scene of the Kiss of Judas and the priest kissing the altar.  Please know that I based everything on ancient Catholic teaching. For example:


“When the priest kisses the altar, he is kissing Christ, *faithfully,* in contradiction to the kiss of betrayal by Judas.”  In a sense, the priest is making atonement for the betrayal of Judas.


“The priest reading the Introit represents Christ being falsely accused by Annas and blasphemed.”


“The priest going to the middle of the altar and saying the Kyrie Eleison represents Christ being brought to Caiphas and these three times denied by Peter.”


“The priest saying the ‘Dominus vobiscum’ represents Christ looking at Peter and converting him.”


“The priest saying the ‘Orate Fratres’ represents Christ being shown by Pilate to the people with the words ‘Ecce Homo.’”


“The priest praying in a low voice represents Christ being mocked and spit upon.”


“The priest blessing the bread and wine represents Christ being nailed to the cross.”


“The priest elevating the host represents Christ being raised on the cross.”


“The priest goes to the Epistle side and prays signifying how Jesus was led before Pilate and falsely accused.”


“The priest goes to the Gospel-side, where he reads the Gospel, signifying how Christ was sent from Pilate to Herod, and was mocked and derided by the latter.”


“The priest goes from the Gospel side again to the middle of the altar – this signifies how Jesus was sent back from Herod to Pilate.”


“The priest uncovers the chalice, recalling how Christ was stripped for the scourging.”


“The priest offers bread and wine, signifying how Jesus was bound to the pillar and scourged.”


“The priest washes his hands, signifying how Pilate declared Jesus innocent by washing his hands.”


“The priest covers the chalice after the Offertory recalling how Jesus was crowned with thorns.”


“The priest breaking and separating the host represents Christ giving up His spirit.”


“The priest saying the Agnus Dei represents Christ being acknowledged on the cross as the Son of God by many bystanders.”


“The priest saying the Last Gospel, which are the first words of the beloved disciple St. John, represents sending the Apostles into all parts of the world to preach the Gospel and preserving His Holy Church for all time.”

© Copyright 2011 Pamphlets To Inspire. Org. (Non-Profit)  Updated for list of saints in Ordinary time through January 1, 2020.  

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