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Preparation for Total Consecration
according to
Saint Louis Marie de Montfort


St Louis de Montfort tells us that "those who desire to take up this special devotion" (Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary), "should spend at least twelve days in empytying themselves of the spirit of the world, which is opposed to the spirit of Jesus. They should spend three weeks imbuing themselves with the spirit of Jesus through the most Blessed Virgin." (T.D. No. 227)


It is obvious that this total consecration, or perfect renewal of our baptismal vows with and through Mary, is not to be taken lightly.  Pope John Paul II said that "Reading (St Louis de Montfort's True Devotion to Mary ) was a turning point in his life and that this Marian devotion remained a part of his entire life.  It was an integral part of John Paul's II interior life and of his spititual theology.  In his Marian Year encyclical, Mother of the Redeemer, speaking of Marian Spirituality, the Holy Father singles out that: "among the many witnesses of this spirituality, the figure of Saint Louis Marie Grigion de Montfort, proposes consecration to Christ through the hands of Mary, as an effective means for Christians to live faithfully their baptismal committments." (No. 49)


Once you have made your consecration, it is recommended that you join the Confraternity of Mary, Queen of All Hearts.                   for a copy of the consecration form which should be mailed to The Montfort Missionaries after your initial consecration only.  Thereafter, once a year at least, and on the same day, you should renew this consecration, observing the same practices during the three weeks prior to consecration and signing the consecration form noted above and maintaining this copy in your personal files.  


It is also recommended that on the day of consecration, we should pay some tribute to Jesus Christ and our Blessed Mother, either as a penance for our past unfaithfulness to the vows of our Baptism, or as a testimony of dependence on the domimion of Jesus and Mary.  This tribute should be one in accordance with your fervor, such as a fast, a mortification or an alms, or a candle.  If but a pin is given in homage, and given with a good heart, it will be enough for Jesus, Who loves only the good will.


Many Plenary Indulgences are granted to this devotion under the usual conditions (Confession, Communion, and prayer for the intentions of the Holy Father). 


They are as follows


1. On the occasion of the initial consecration (using the De Montfort formula) or,

on the occasion of its renewal,


also a Plenary Indulgence is granted on the following days:


2. The day of enrollment in the Confraternity (as noted above);

3. Holy Thursday;

4. Christmas (December 25);

5. Feast of the Annunciaion (March 25);

6. Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8);

7. Saint Louis De Montfort's Feast Day (April 28); and

8. Every First Saturday of the Month. 


In answer to a petition by the Montfort Missionaries to the Sacred Penitentiary in Rome, the above Indulgences have been granted in perpetuity to the Confraternities (Priests of Mary, Queen of All Hearts, and the Confraternity of Mary, Queen of all Hearts), thus bringing them in line with the conditions laid down by the new Enchiridion of Indulgences. 


The daily prayers that are to be recited for this devotion can be found by

                       Authorization of the Plenary Indulgence


22nd Day of May 2001


The Apostolic Penitentiary, at the behest of the Holy Father, rules that the substance of the above -mentioned Rescript (Prot. N. 119/96/1 and N. 120/96/1) be attributed to the new Association of "Mary, Queen of All Hearts" ; thus the members may acquire a Plenary Indulgence, provided that, the usual conditions (Sacramental Confession, Holy Communion, and Prayer for the Holy Father's intentions) having been fulfilled and any attachment to any sin being excluded, they promise or renew their promise, at least privately, to faithfully observe their own Statutes, on the following occasions:  (see plenary indulgence listed above #1 through #8).


The present rescript to be valid in perpetuity.  

Anything to the contrary notwithstanding.


Signed by...

Aloisius DeMagistris



Sac.  Ioannes Maria Gervais, Off.

© Copyright 2011 Pamphlets To Inspire. Org. (Non-Profit)  Updated for list of saints in Ordinary time through January 1, 2020.  

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