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March Reflection 

Every day of life is a miracle.  It is different from yesterday or any other day.  It changes constantly and we cannot predict what will happen next.  We merely need to thank God for giving it to us.


We learn how, through the confluence of even the minutest body parts, we move to open our eyes and upon waking from sleep, move our muscles, voluntarily or involuntarily, to make us get up from bed and do our normal fuctions throughout that day.  Then, there is the rising and setting of the sun, the earth's atmosphere which made the flora and fauna all possible, and the food we eat as for some examples.


We are like S. Peter who, together with James and John his brother, were taken by Jesus and led up a high mountain, where He transfigured before them.  Seeing all of this, "Peter said to Jesus in reply, 'Lord, it is good that we are here.  If you wish, I will make three tents here, one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah'" (Mt. 17:4).


Similarily, like the voice from the cloud that said, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him" (Mt. 17:5).  In faith, we listen to Jesus Christ.  We cannot selfishly freeze time and keep it for our own self-contentment.  We really have to learn how to let go of things and continually change to improve our lives.  We need to repent and believe in the Gospel.  We have to love and protect nature, so that it will give back something good to us.  This is the wonderful miracle of our lives.  We all have to change for the better to be the best. 

Reflection About Our Lady

If we do not have a true Marian devotion, then we ought to beg for it as did Saint Francis de Sales: "My God, when shall we have the grace so that the Holy Virgin might be born in our hearts?"  If however, we already have the grace of devotion to Our Lady, then we should apply all zeal and every effort for its increase, since salvation and sanctification depend on Our Lady's living presence in our lives as well as in the life of the whole Church.  


As Saint Bernard of Clairvaux stated: "Mary, is the whole reason for our hope."  Saint Louis Grignon de Montfort preached the same.  Saint Alphonsus Mary Liguori taught likewise; and this was the firm conviction of Saint John Bosco, who, in a famous dream, saw a ship, representing the Church, standing firm and victorius in the midst of the tempest because it was anchored to two immovable pillars-the Eucharist and the Holy Mary the Immaculate.

Your Cross

The everlasting God has in his wisdom foreseen from eternity

the cross he now presents to you as a gift from his inmost heart.

This cross he now sends you he has gazed at with

his all-knowing eyes, understood with his divine mind,

tested with his divine justice,

warmed with his loving arms, and weighed with his own hands,

to see that it be not one inch too large,

not one ounce too heavy for you,

He has blessed it with his holy name,

anointed it with his grace,

perfumed it with his consolation,

taken one last glance at you and your courage,

and then sent it to you from heaven –

a special greeting from God to you –

an alms of the all-merciful love of God. 


St. Francis de Sales

© Copyright 2011 Pamphlets To Inspire. Org. (Non-Profit)  Updated for list of saints in Ordinary time through January 1, 2020.  

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