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The commentary on the Book of Job is by Saint Thomas Aquinas.


The Book shows how human affairs are ruled by Divine Providence using probable arguments.

"Although you hide these things in your heart, I know that you still remember everything."

                                                                            (Job speaking to God)     

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Job's virtue and riches.  Satan by permission from God strippeth him

of all his substance.  His patience.

Satan, by God's promotion, striketh Job with ulcers from head

to foot: his patience is still invincible.

Job expresseth his sense of the miseries of man's life,

by cursing the day of his birth.

Eliphaz charges Job with impatience, and pretends that

God never afflicts the innocent.

Eliphaz proceeds in his charge, and exhorts Job

to acknowledge his sins.

Job maintains his innocence, and complains of his friends.

Job declares the miseries of man's life: and addresses himself to God.

Baldad, under pretense of defending the justice of God,

accuses Job, and exhorts him to return to God.

Job acknowledges God's justice: although he often afflicts the innocent.

Job laments his afflictions and begs to be delivered.

Sophar re-proves Job, for justifying himself, and invites him to repentance.

Job's reply to Sophar.  He extols God's power and wisdom.

Job persists in maintaining his innocence: and re-proves his friends.

Job declares the shortness of man's days: and professes his

belief of a resurrection.

Eliphaz returns to the charge against Job, and describes the

wretched state of the wicked.

Job expostulates with his friends: and appeals to the judgment of God.

Job's hope in God: he expects rest in death.

Baldad again reproves Job: and describes the miseries of the wicked.

Job complains of the cruelty of his friends; he describes his

own sufferings: and his belief of a future resurrection.

Sophar declares the shortness of the prosperity of the wicked:

and their sudden downfall.

Job shews that the wicked often prosper in this world, even to the

end of their life: but that their judgment is in another world.

Eliphaz falsely imputes many crimes to Job; but promises him

prosperity if he will repent.

Job wishes to be tried at God's tribunal.

God's Providence often suffers the wicked to go on a long time

in their sins: but punisheth them in another life.

Baldad represents the justice of God, before whom no man can be justified.

Job declares his sentiments of the wisdom and power of God.

Job persists in asserting his own innocence, and that hypocrites

will be punished in the end.

Man's industry searcheth out many things: true wisdom is taught by God alone.

Job relates his former happiness, and the respect that all men shewed him.

Job shews the wonderful change of his temporal estate,

from welfare to great calamity.

Job, to defend himself from the unjust judgments of his friends,

gives a sincere account of his own virtues.

Eliu is angry both with Job and his friends.  He boasts of himself.

Eliu blames Job for asserting his own innocence.

Eliu charges Job with blasphemy: and sets forth the

power and justice of God.

Eliu declares that the good or evil done by man cannot reach God.

Eliu proceeds in setting forth the justice and power of God.

Eliu goes on in his discourse, shewing God's wisdom and

power, by his wonderful works.

God interposes and shews from the things he hath made,

that man cannot comprehend his power and wisdom.

The wonders of the power and providence of God in many of his creatures.

Of the power of God in the behemoth and the leviathan.

A further description of the leviathan.

Job submits himself.  God pronounces in his favour.

Job offers sacrifice for his friends.  He is blessed with riches

and children, and dies happily.

© Copyright 2011 Pamphlets To Inspire. Org. (Non-Profit)  Updated for list of saints in Ordinary time through January 1, 2020.  

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