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   June Reflection 

In our lives, there are countless volumes of expressely delivered but unopened graces.  We simply do not know how to acknowledge and accept them.  They are specifically addressed to us.  "See, upon the palms of my hands I have written your name..." (Is. 49:16).  We hurry through life without considering what is truly important to our eternal salvation.  How many of us still have the morning prayer habit?  Do we feel awkward acknowledging God in public?  How many still remember to make the sign of the cross or even pray the "Prayers Before and After Meals" inside a cafeteria amidst people not of our faith?


"I'm busy," is the general response given from people why they do not have time to reflect on God in their daily living anymore.  Also, that short and simple sentence, "I'm busy," is an excuse from people who do not want to face or confront a particular situation.


To acknowledge and accept God marks the first step to a frutful faith and life.  We must never forget that we have to do something about it because God never forgets.  He has always something good for each of us because, in case we do not do anything about it. "...every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire" (Mt. 3:10).  

"O Sacred Heart of Jesus I Place My Trust in Thee"


"O Sacred Heart of Jesus,

I place my trust in Thee,"

Whatever may befall me, Lord,

Though dark the hour may be.

In all my joys, in all my woes,

Though naught but grief I see.

"O Sacred Heart of Jesus,

I place my trust in Thee."


When those I love have passed away

And I am sore distressed,

O Sacred Heart of Jesus,

I fly to Thee for rest.

In all my trials, great or small,

My confidence shall be,

Unshaken, as I cry dear Lord. 

"I place my trust in Thee."


This is my one sweet prayer, dear Lord!

My faith, my trust, my love,

But, most of all, in that last hour,

When death points up above,

Ah, then sweet Savior, may Thy face

Smile on my soul set free.

Oh, may I cry with rapturous love,

"I've placed my trust in Thee." 

Reflection About Our Lady

The supreme example of devotion to Our Lady comes from God himself.  God was the first to give himself to Mary.  He gave himself to her in so perfect a manner as to become her Son.  In this way Jesus was the first and greatest client of Mary.  God Himself has set the greatest example, one which has infinite value and beauty.  


We must be "imitators of God," as Saint Paul tells us (Eph 5:1).  We ought to be "conformed to Jesus" (cf. Rom 8:29).  Saint Maximilian Kolbe wrote that "the imitation of Jesus is our whole sanctity."  If God gave himself to Mary to the extent of becoming her Child, then, should we not ought to give ourselves also to Mary and become her children.  Children of Mary by grace, like Jesus, our divine Model; Jesus, her Child by nature. Saint Therese of Lisieux describes the happy impression she experienced when dwelling on this sweet truth: Jesus and Therese are children of the same Mother; and it is our happy lot and office, to imitate Jesus in His role as a child of Mary. 

© Copyright 2011 Pamphlets To Inspire. Org. (Non-Profit)  Updated for list of saints in Ordinary time through January 1, 2020.  

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